THE HIV Infection
New Strategy Defeats HIV in the
This diet also applies to
other Virus and Degenerative Diseases.
The original theory that has been around since
1981 is that the HIV virus selectively invades the body’s T-4 Helper cells
and uses the T-4 cells to produce more HIV virus.
Yet, after accepting
this theory for almost a decade, clinical observations are that 1% or less
of all T-4 Helper cells are infected with the HIV virus.
If the theory
that the HIV virus selectively attacks T-4 Helper cells were true, you
would logically expect that 90 to 99% of all T-4 Helper cells would be
infected with the virus.
Since the actual infection rate that has been
observed by clinical observations is 1% or less, there is some thing wrong
with the original theory. If a theory is to be believable, it must be able
to explain all symptoms and patterns in the progression of a disease in a
manner that is logical and convincing.
Is the primary source of HIV
infection in some other part of the body that we have completely
overlooked? If it is, where is it and how does it suppress the immune
For this entire decade, all research has been
looking for some single silver bullet to solve the AIDS problem. A drug
that would destroy all cells infected with the virus. All attention has
been focused on finding a drug to selectively destroy the infection in the
blood stream.
What if the HIV virus changed the rules of the game?
What if
the virus found a sanctuary from which it could reproduce and multiply and
then invade the bloodstream? A sanctuary beyond the reach of the
phagocytes and macrophages of the immune system that would eat them up?
The HIV virus may have a sanctuary from which
to grow and multiply and invade the bloodstream. That sanctuary is, I
believe, the lower bowel of the intestinal tract (the colon).
efficiency is never 100%. A yeast organism, called Candida Albicans,
resides in the lower bowel of the intestinal tract and consumes simple
sugars and produces alcohol as one of its byproducts. While the yeast
cells live off of sugar and carbohydrates, the HIV virus lives off of
proteins that are not completely broken down in the stomach into their
constituent amino acids.
For harder to digest proteins like “gluten’s” in
certain grains like wheat and “casein” in most dairy products and other
proteins like eggs and meat cooked at high temperatures, the efficiency of
protein digestion could drop to 60% or less. The higher the temperature
that meat is cooked, the more coagulated the protein becomes and the
harder it is for the digestive juices, like hydrochloric acid and
pancreatic enzymes, to break down the proteins into simple amino acids.
40% of the protein you ate passed into the colon undigested, the HIV virus
could have a field day reproducing itself.
Undigested Proteins is Food for the HIV Virus
The food particles the virus grows on is
“mucus” which consists of a gluey mixture of proteins that were not
digested in the stomach.
The muco-proteins the HIV virus loves clings to
the walls of the colon. As the virus grow, some pass through the
intestinal wall and into the blood stream. Once in the bloodstream, the
virus is identified as an antigen - a foreign protein.
The immune system
sets about to attack and destroy it. Since the invasion of new HIV virus
from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream could go on 24 hours a day,
7 days a week and 365 days a year, the immune system is simply driven to
exhaustion. The immune system eventually loses its ability to replace the
generals of the immune system, the T-4 helper cells. As a result, the
number of T-4 helper cells declines and the immune system grows weaker.
The end result is AIDS.
Can this process of self-destruction be stopped?
The HIV Infection Cycle
Conventional research has focused totally on
how to destroy the HIV virus in the bloodstream and in associated areas
like the bone marrow.
Doctors are mystified as to why they cannot
completely knock out the viral infection. They haven’t considered that the
intestinal tract may be another source or the main source of HIV
By concentration on killing the HIV virus in the bloodstream
instead of the intestinal tract, medical researchers have attacked the
secondary source of the infection and not the primary source.
As a result
they cannot completely eliminate all infected cells.
In some cases, the
immune system apparently recognizes that there is a problem in the colon
and induces a diarrhea to wash the infection out of the colon. The
infection is not easily eliminated as the HIV virus moves in a circular
pattern from the colon (lower intestinal tract) to the blood stream to the
lymphatic system and then back to the colon.
It works like this.
Coagulated proteins (cooked at high temperatures) are not completely
broken down in the stomach and pass into the colon where they provide food
for the HIV virus to grow and multiply undeterred and unnoticed. The HIV
virus then passes through the colon wall into the bloodstream and are
immediately attacked by phagocyte and macrophages which identify them as
foreign proteins and swallow them up. Later on, the phagocytes and
macrophages die off and are eliminated from the bloodstream by the
lymphatic system which removes them and washes them into the colon. Once
in the colon, in an alkaline environment and in the presence of lots of
fertile soil (muco-proteins), the HIV virus hatches anew from the dead
macrophages and start growing all over again.
The cycle is endlessly
repeated. It is little wonder the immune system is eventually worn out.
New Strategy Defeats HIV in the Intestinal
Since the immune system has demonstrated it
can attack and destroy the HIV virus in the bloodstream, it can also
locate and eliminate HIV infection in the bone marrow and in other areas
as well. The key to controlling AIDS or eventually curing this disease is
to turn off the tap.. the endless stream of new HIV virus invading the
blood stream from the colon. There are two or three ways this can be done.
Here are some possibilities to be considered.
Colon cleansing. Use a mixture of distilled water, psyllium powder and
fresh lemon juice to acidify the colon and kill of HIV virus.
Colonic irrigation and enemas to physically remove infected fecal matter from the colon.
Fasting one day a week on distilled water, lemon juice and raw honey.
Eat predigested proteins for 100% assimilation (Soy Milk with soy protein
isolates added and yogurt culture added). Pancreatin (to digest proteins)
tablets taken with this protein drink before meals.
Eat cultured
proteins (yogurt made from soy milk) that is easily assimilated and
contains acidophilus. This friendly flora produces lactic acid which
destroys most bad bacteria.
Take hydrochloric acid and protein digestive enzymes if you eat
hard to digest proteins like meat, eggs, fish or fowl.
Eliminate hard to digest proteins from the diet like casein
from dairy products and gluten’s from wheat and coagulated proteins (fried
Colon Cleansing & Supplements
Twice a day, upon rising in the morning and
late in the evening, a shake is made from distilled water, use freshly
squeezed lemon juice, psyllium powder and yogurt or acidophilus culture.
Lemon juice has a pH of 2.5 and is the most acid of all fruits. Lemon
juice will kill HIV virus in the intestinal tract. The psyllium powder
helps carry the lemon juice throughout the gastrointestinal tract to break
up mucus and kill off HIV and other pathogens. Psyllium powder also
removes toxins from the colon. It has a cooling effect on the body and is
especially good in cases of cancer, Kaposi Sarcoma, herpes, candida and if
nights sweats occur.
Herbal Teas
The best herbal tea is Pau D’Arco. It should
be simmered for about 10 minutes before using. It boosts the immune
system, kills off cancer cells and yeast overgrowth it is also highly
recommended where cancer of Kaposi Sarcoma may exist.
Anti-AIDS diet
is high in raw foods, low in fat, especially saturated fat, contains no
animal protein, no beef, pork, poultry, fish eggs, cheese, ice cream or
cow’s milk. It is “gluten” free and has no wheat, no bread, no spaghetti,
no macaroni and no bakery. This diet should be religiously followed until
your blood tests show numbers (T4, T8, T11 etc) have returned to the
normal reference ranges.
Once this happens, have yourself rechecked for
the HIV antibody.
& Use of Hydrogen Peroxide
Garlic suppositories before
bedtime. Cut a small clove of raw garlic and roll it in coconut oil or
butter. (Size 3/4 inch long by 1/4 inch round). Use a rectal
suppository before retiring at night. The garlic will kill HIV infection
in the colon while you sleep. It will also kill worms, parasites and other
bad bacteria including Candida Albicans. It will help purify your blood
while you are sleeping.
Hydrogen Spray bath. Apply 1 tablespoon of 3%
hydrogen peroxide over your body once in the morning and massage into the
skin. The hydrogen spray enters the blood-stream through the skin and
kills the HIV virus. It lowers T-8 suppressor cells and creates a more
favourable T4/T8 ratio. Do
not drink hydrogen peroxide. (In the intestinal tract, it acts
like an antibiotic and will kill off friendly bacteria along with the bad
bacteria). The use of lemon juice and sour yogurt are a much better way of
getting rid of bad intestinal bacteria.
Success Cases Reported
Using a diet similar to the
one outlined above has brought significant improvement in Wisconsin, USA.
One person who had insomnia, fatigue and night sweats in February of 1989
is now free of all these symptoms. His T-4 Helper cell count went from 800
in February to 845 in August, 1989. This person reported he had a constant
diarrhea as long as he ate eggs for breakfast. When he stopped and
switched to a non-gluten cereal, the diarrhea stopped and his stools
returned to normal. This person lives mostly on vegetables with some
Another case involved a man whose immune system had been on a
constant decline for 3 years since he became infected in November of 1986.
In July, 1989, his T-4 Helper cell count was 424. Late in July, he went on
a diet similar to the one outlined here. He gave up bread and grains. He
ate a non-gluten cereal for breakfast. For lunch, he ate lots of
vegetables, especially raw broccoli and various proteins with digestive
enzymes. In September, he was tested again and his T-4 Helper cell count
went up to 590, an increase of 166. The results of both of these cases are
very encouraging. Neither person was on any medication.
There are over 12 more similar cases of
reported recoveries from AIDS in the book “They Conquered AIDS”, by
Dr. Scott Gregory O.M.D. In one case, a vegetarian, went from antibody
positive to antibody negative after a 3 month fast on a protein powder
supplement that was a complete nutritional support program.
survivor, John Russell Carlton wrote: “One of the first things I did was
to go on a carrot juice fast with distilled water and Herb’s for six
days. During the fast, I had colonic wash outs. It was the most tremendous
week. The fast arrested my fever. It was a hard thing for me to stay on,
but I went through with it.”
Another book on diet is called “The
Ant-AIDS Health Plan.” by David Zeller. This book discusses at great
length the use of lemon juice in the treatment of AIDS and HIV infection
in the intestinal tract.
A Summary of the New Diet
The strategy to defeat HIV
infection in the intestinal tract is to improve the efficiency of protein
digestion, all proteins are either pre-digested, cultured or in liquid
form and are taken with acidophilus culture along with protein digestive
enzymes from pancreatin.
Efficient protein digestion strengthens the
immune system and denies the virus in the colon a protein source of food.
Acidophilus powder is sprinkled on all food to increase the growth of
friendly flora which in turn produce lactic acid which lowers the pH of
the colon and kills the HIV virus and other pathogens. Besides many
beneficial B vitamins and other factors are produced in the colon by the
acidophilus bacteria the digestive process is enhanced and the elimination
of toxins increases. Under this diet, immune system functions will improve
and the level of viral activity will diminish.
The good results obtained in
these cases should encourage others to try diet as a first choice
treatment for AIDS and medical researchers should now consider the
intestinal tract theory of HIV infection in designing new strategies to
defeat this most feared of all diseases.
The publisher assumes no responsibility in the correct or
incorrect use of this information and no attempt should be made to use any
of this information as a form of treatment without the
approval and guidance of your doctor.
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Hello every body on this site, I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 4 months I have being an HIV patient. I never think I live long again and am so grateful about this great man called Brudos Clayy who cured my HIV AIDS last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friend; she told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my HIV. I asked her if she had his email address, she gave me his email and I emailed him. He talked to me and he perform the necessary rituals and he told me that after two weeks I should go for a test and Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now an HIV negative, I couldn’t believe myself, I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth again, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him/contact him on